How Pentecostals misuse the book of Acts.

I'm always disappointed in myself for not catching the simple mistakes much sooner.  They were so obvious in hindsight, but the indoctrination of the local cult was too strong.  The issue I am addressing today is the difference between what Pentecostals teach today and what the apostles experienced in Acts chapter 2.

In the church I grew up in, and in many Pentecostal churches across the US and other parts of the world, they love to repeat the same message:  they believe in receiving the same experience that the apostles received on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts chapter 2.

Let's examine that claim.  On the day of Pentecost, there was a sound of rushing wind.  Does that happen in a typical church service?  No.  On the day of Pentecost, there were tongues of flame sitting on each believer.  Has that ever happened in any modern Pentecostal church?  No.  On the day of Pentecost, there were non-believers that heard people speak in their native language, even though the speaker had no reason to know that language.  I have never once witnessed such an event in the 30 years I attended a Pentecostal church.

So, we're zero out of three.  When Pentecostals tell you that they experience that same thing the apostles did in Acts 2, tell them they're either misinterpreting Acts or they are lying.

On top of that, Pentecostals really push the idea that the experience of speaking in tongues is essential to salvation.  They teach that tongues is a mandatory step for every new convert.  Let's ask the question:  Is tongues mentioned in Acts 2:38?  No.  Verse 41 mentions 3,000 people being baptized and saved, but does not mention tongues.

In Acts chapter 8, the Samaritans are converted.  Tongues is not mentioned ONCE in the chapter.  They are baptized, and they are prayed for, but speaking in tongues is not recorded.

In Acts chapter 9, Saul is converted.  Tongues are never mentioned ONCE.  Saul is baptized.

In Acts 10, tongues IS mentioned, the crucial difference being that Jews were witnessing the conversion of Gentiles, which had not occurred before.

Tongues are clearly only used as a sign to the Jewish people, as prophesied by Isaiah 28:11-12.  Pentecostals misinterpret the NT to make it sound like tongues are essential, but that is not supported by scripture.


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