Lying is evidently okay for some Christians.

 It's always irritating when a person has a double standard.  If you ask just about any christian, they will tell you that of course lying is a sin.  It's literally one of the ten commandments they love so much.
And yet over the past month, I've witnessed a popular evangelical singer/preacher blatantly lying about a particular event.  Mark Crowder commented on one of my YouTube videos, and he mentioned something about "pentecostals are the only people that experience miracles".

That would have been an adequately egregious statement in and of itself, but he followed that up with a claim about a woman in a pentecostal church that had a leg grow back.  After some rigorous questioning, he stated that her leg was missing from birth and grew back after she had received prayer.
The link to the video where he made the comments is here:  My story 

After a few weeks of nagging, he finally mentioned the alleged miracle occurred in Eastwood Pentecostal Church in Lake Charles, Louisiana.  The individual who experienced the leg regrowth was a "Sis Thompson".
Once these details came out, I started digging.  I posted the story in a Facebook group with hundreds of former pentecostals from all over the country.  One person claimed to have relatives currently attending that church, and they were not aware of any person by that name having a missing leg, and certainly had not heard of a miracle where a leg grew back.
I have also made attempts to contact the church itself, and so far have not received any response, I will update this post as soon as I hear anything.
Here is the problem:  If ANY person, religious or not, had an entire leg GROW BACK, it would make headlines and TV news all around the country, if not the world.  This would be an extraordinary medical event that has never occurred previously.  
And it would be incredibly simple to prove.  Post a photo of the person in their childhood and/or as an adult with their leg missing, and another photo with the leg in present day.  Provide some type of report from a medical office, anything at all.  This isn't like a cancer, where the existence or absence can only be discerned by a trained professional.  
But that is where things stand currently, miracles only exist in the stories told by people like Mr Crowder, who make their living by telling lies to make people feel good for a few minutes.


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