The UPCI has been labeled as a cult by a national news outlet.

Girl escapes strict christian cult.

    Newsweek took the bold step to run a story about a young woman who got pulled into a pentecostal church during a difficult time in her life.  They did a good job of pointing out the glaring issues that qualify the church as a cult.
    To start with, the young woman is recruited by a young man who flirted with her and started a friendship, knowing full well that the relationship could not develop unless she became a member.  The church got it's hooks into her life while she was struggling with her parent's divorce.
The church waited until she was comfortably settled into church activities and social circles before beginning to impose legalistic standards, such as dress code, large donations, and hair styles.  The classic warning signs of a cult are behavior control and emotional control, and she was getting plenty of both.
Fortunately, her and her husband made the decision to leave, and although the process was difficult, they are both happier today.  Hopefully other news outlets will follow this example and we can continue to expose the problems caused by the UPCI and many other similar denominations.


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