Finding Happiness in Life

A slight change of pace for this post from the usual content.

Part of our human existence is finding ways to thrive, to seek the best possible way to enjoy this life.

Some of that can be found in a fulfilling career, some of that can be found in fine food and drink, and some in various forms of entertainment.

Balance is crucial, overindulging in any one of those can be harmful.

Perhaps the most important aspect of finding happiness as a human being is finding another human being to share life's experiences with, someone who shares your values and tastes.

I recently met a wonderful lady, I have hopes that we will continue to spend time together and bring happiness to each other's lives.  There is a great feeling when you can cuddle up on the couch and watch a great movie together, and just relax knowing you can express yourself honestly with that person.

It is perhaps the most simple pleasure in life, to spend time with another person you enjoy being with.  Of all the entertainments, fine dining, and travelling a person can do, sometimes the best things in life are free.

To feel the warmth of another person's embrace, to share the intimacy of their touch, these are the  greatest, most memorable moments a person can experience.

It is good to be content alone, it is good to find a successful life alone, but better to find company.


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