Life update

New posts have been lacking of late, I apologize.

The last few months I have been traveling quite a bit for work, making an absurd amount of money, but it's also been stressful, not a lot of down time for writing.

I'm hoping the next month will be much slower, I plan to get another video out, maybe some blog posts.  Toying with the idea of getting a podcast going, I've always wanted to be a talk show host.

There's a good possibility I'll be a guest on the Thinking Atheist podcast, which should be an absolute blast.  Always loved that show, Seth does a great job.

I spend a fair amount of time debating random people on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.  Some people make snide remarks like, "Why even bother, you're not changing anybody's mind," but it serves a purpose.  Partially it helps me by giving me practice breaking down what exactly a person's position truly is, and then how best to address their primary concerns in a productive way.

A big reason is that I debate people in very public settings, where the words will remain for years to come.  It's well known that most people never comment on social media, but many people simply read comments.  I hope to present the best arguments for my side, and persuade the fence-sitters that are not committed yet.

Also, repeated debates on similar topics helps me understand multiple layers of a topic, until I can fully grasp both sides of the argument.  Once you know the strongest possible versions of an opponent's evidence, you can formulate the best approach to countering it.

I've been out of the pentecostal cult for about a year now.  If anything, I'm even more convinced I made the right decision.  The more I understand and learn, the more obvious it is that religion is a trap, a hindrance to the human race.  We must move past it if we are to achieve our full potential.

Many religions are simply absurd at face value.  Some are more insidious, but all of them are a distraction at best.  The people that cling to them do so out of fear, ignorance, and tradition.  Cast off your shackles, and step into the light.


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