Evidence for evolution and/or against the theory of a global flood.

This has been a very divisive issue for many Christians, and I feel it deserves a bit more focus.  Whether or not the book of Genesis is an accurate account of the origin of the world, and whether a global flood happened, with only the animals aboard a large wooden boat built by a 600 year old man surviving.

Let's dive in:

Adam and Eve.  Original sin is a big issue, because it starts the whole ball rolling.  I was taught my entire life that Adam and Eve were the very first two humans ever made, and they started the entire human race.  Here is a link to research that shows that's simply impossible:


Be sure to read through the actual paper referenced below the article.

This video series covers many topics, provides some real insight into the big picture:


This article is fairly detailed, with lots of references to cross-check:


The Flood:

This article encapsulates many of the problems related to a literal Noah's Ark story nicely:


However, this video series does a better job of pointing out the more technical aspects:


For those who prefer to read, this article is pretty good at laying out some great points:


A nice, short article for those pressed for time:


The fact is, we have overwhelming data that shows Biblical inerrancy is a ridiculous idea.  There are problems with the literal account of these stories.  Many Christian faiths have adopted a figurative interpretation of these events in order to square up the Bible against science.

If we were having this argument 500 years ago, I would be siding with Galileo over the idea that the planets revolved around the sun, and the Pentecostals would be saying the earth is the center of the universe.

If we were having this argument 150 years ago, some Christians would be in favor of slavery, using Scripture as examples:  https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/how-and-why-did-some-christians-defend-slavery

Granted, some Christians were in favor of abolishing slavery, but Christianity as a whole was not in agreement on the issue.  Eventually, religion would come to agreement and most of the world would do away with such a barbaric practice, even though the Bible was available for hundreds of years.

If we were having this argument 75 years ago, many Christians would state that science cannot prove the origin of life from a lifeless ball of rock in space.  But today, science has some ground breaking data to show the possibilities of just how that might have taken place:


What will the argument be 100 years from now?

Religion has always retreated before the advancing wave of science.  It will continue to do so.


  1. Here's a good source for information on evolutionary theory. It has answers to a significantly large number of creationist arguments.


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