Apologies for lack of posting lately.

 So, it's been......a little while since I made a podcast episode, blog post, major YouTube video, etc.
Life has just been too busy the past few months, we have moved from the apartment over to Christie's duplex, and there was a shit ton of work between the move itself, and prep work like painting, redoing floors, etc.
At this point, we're just trying to ride out the heatwave, fortunately the new heat pump and new windows are holding back the 90 or 100 degree days pretty well.
I've always been pretty busy with work, Securitas keeps losing techs and can't seem to hire more.  They also won't upgrade aging fleet vehicles, won't hire office staff to assist with data processing chores, and the software we use for tracking service calls has been atrocious.
Due to all of the above, I will be leaving Securitas at the end of July and moving to Performance Systems.  I have good feelings about the company, hopefully I can stay there for awhile and put down roots.
Anyway, just wanted to provide an update and maybe I can get back to regular posting later this year.  Peace out.
