The utter callousness of some preachers.

This was posted in a Facebook group, I think it's important to share because it's an object lesson that average church members are just pawns to these people.
"My parents go to a former UPCI/WWF church in Tallulah, LA. The pastor left those organizations because they were too liberal.

When they left the UPCI they put the church in the pastors name.
Pastor decided earlier this year that it was the lords will for him to move to Georgia and start a church within 30 min from another church.
At a church business meeting they voted to sell the church in Tallulah, LA. The Pastor will get the money from the sale.
Sold his home for 600K. (Started pastoring in 1997. Had a truck and a camper. Never worked while the pastor. Home payed for by tithes)." So, the people that DON'T move to Georgie, or cannot due to commitments to local family, lack of finances, etc, are just left out in the cold. No church left after giving of their time and money for many years. Nothing to show for it.
